Governments & Marine Park Managers

Coral reefs help feed communities, drive economies, and shelter coastlines from storm surges and erosion. But all of these benefits are under threat. In the Caribbean alone, degradation is projected to result in up to $140 million, $300 million, and $420 million in annual revenue losses in fisheries, tourism, and coastal protection, respectively.  

Protecting and restoring coral reefs is crucial to preserve their bountiful ecosystem services. Photo credit: Remi Jouan

Protecting and restoring coral reefs is crucial to preserve their bountiful ecosystem services. Photo credit: Remi Jouan

Direct government investment, such as funds designated in the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act, help to both revive reefs and create local jobs. As well, there are growing opportunities for innovative conservation finance mechanisms. From the new COAST initiative by the World Bank and partners to use reef restoration as a way to reduce insurance premiums to the Caribbean Biodiversity Fund to the Seychelles debt-for-adaptation swaps to the Palau Green Fee, governments are finding ways to invest in climate adaptation. A local Coral Vita farm gives your nation the opportunity to protect its reefs and the people who depend on them.



Banner photo credit: Richie Diesterheft