Hurricane Dorian Emergency Relief Efforts
The Bahamas are experiencing catastrophic devastation in the wake of Hurricane Dorian and the people desperately need your help for emergency rescue efforts and to begin rebuilding immediately.
Ways You Can Help
The Bahamas are experiencing catastrophic devastation in the wake of Hurricane Dorian. The intensity of the storm was unprecedented for the northern Caribbean, but it should no longer be surprising that such an intense hurricane has formed. The Caribbean has now experienced Category 5 hurricanes each year since 2016, an extraordinary streak never before seen in recorded history. Hurricanes and other natural disasters will only become more intense and more frequent as our climate continues to destabilize.
This storm is a prime example of how we need to protect, restore, and create resilient coastal ecosystems that can adapt to climate change, shelter communities from natural disasters, and provide livelihoods for local populations. In the long term Coral Vita will continue to work to make that happen here and around the world, but for now we need all the help we can get to directly help those in The Bahamas in dire need.